2010_MayThis was posted by my sister and fellow crowd funding guardian on our new page
dedicated to our awesome doggie run campaign on Indiegogo
first part is in Croatian, please scroll down for English 🙂
* English version bellow

Juhuuuuuu! Pazitiv vajbrejšn!

Jutros je na našoj IndieGogo kampanji, predivna anonimna osoba uplatila POSEBNU kontribuciju, pardon, donaciju, odnosno

10881678_338805959632258_6862610134110125721_nKUPLJENA SU PRVA KOLICA za nekog od mojih životinjskih prijatelja!!!

Molim vas za SHARE i vaše prijedloge primam međeđim capicama u Inbox!

Više na stranicama kampanje:

2014_February_bTako, sinoć, bliži mi se rojstni dan kraju, i netom prije nego što utonuh u snove morske, poželio sam jednu stvar.
Poželio sam, da sva životinjska bića osjete Ljubav i Brižnost i Potporu, koju ja primam od svih vas predivnih dvonožnih životinja bez perja

To bijaše želja moja.
I ju!
Probudim se, kad ona već krenula da se ispunjava.


Wooooohoooooooooooooo!!! Positive vibrations!

mica1mThis morning on our IndieGogo campaign, the wonderful anonymous Being contributed with special donation – and purchased THE FIRST WHEELCHAIR for one of my Animal friends.

Be kind to SHARE this and let send your suggestions to my Inbox.

You can see more on the Campaign page:

2007_April_bSo, last night, as my birthday was slowly reaching its end, and just before I dived into my ocean dreams, I wished for only one thing.

I wished that all the other animals could feel the Love and Care and Support, that I am receiving from all of you wonderful two-legged animals without feathers

This was my wish.
And guess what?
I woke up, and it already begun to COME TRUE.

* Croatian version above


Evelyn Vedrana ❤ and

Muppetofaman ❤